Thursday, February 23, 2012

As hidden XPS in TXT

XPS file is a document format that is similar to a PDF file.

To view or XPS file converted a TXT document in the Microsoft XPS, XPS file open must select and copy the text and paste the text in a text editor or word processor. The XPS Viewer is included in recent versions of the Windows operating system. If you have not XPS Viewer on your computer, you can download the program on the Microsoft Web site. Difficulty: easy

  1. 1

    Locate the XPS file on your computer on request and with the right mouse button on the file.

When the context menu on the screen appears, choose "Open with" option and XPS Viewer. Their XPS file is open in the Windows application.
  • 2

    Select the text you want to convert TXT.

  • To convert the entire document, choose all the text in an XPS document to your mouse. Click the "Edit" tab and select "Copy".
  • 3

    Go to "Start", then click on "all programs".

  • Click "Accessories" and open "Notepad" to. A blank document opens on the screen.
  • 4

    Right click on the empty document and choose "Paste".

  • The contents of an XPS document is inserted into your editor document.
  • 5

    Click the "File" and select "Save as".

  • Name your file and select "text documents (* .txt)" drop down menu "File type". Click "Save".

    Saturday, February 18, 2012

    Save as a Word 2003 document in PDF format

    Converting Word documents to PDF format is useful when you want to share and protect documents.

    Subsequent versions of Microsoft Word are equipped with a tool for the "Save as PDF" but with Word 2003, you need a PDF Converter. The official programme for the conversion is Adobe Acrobat, but it is expensive. There are numerous programs freeware PDF conversion. October 2010, CNET says that is the leading provider of software in Windows PDF conversion downloadable Primo PDF, free of charge. Another way is to use online solutions, you can install to create PDF files without software. Adobe PDF Online offers a monthly subscription service and there are many free services such as primo PDF and free email PDF Converter. They are compatible with Windows and Mac documents. Difficulty: easy


      Using conversion software
    1. 1

      Download you forth and install the PDF conversion software.

  • 2

    Open the Word document you want to convert to PDF format.

  • 3

    Click the "File" menu and select "Print" option.

  • In the dialog box that opens, select your PDF software currently installed as your printer.
  • 4

    Choose your security options if you want to use as your password-protected file.

  • You can also select options to compress files or adding information to existing files.
  • 5

    Click "Create PDF" and type the name of your file and where you want to save your PDF file.

  • Methods

    free online Konvertieinsurance
  • 1

    Navigate to your selected online conversion method.

  • Links to the "create PDF online free" or "Free Email PDF Converter", see the "Resources" section.
  • 2

    Under the section, click "Select file" or "Choose a document" on the "Browse" and select the file you want to convert to PDF format.

  • Li ID "jsArticleStep3" = > 3

    Type your e-Mail address in the following tab if your e-Mail address is required.

  • 4

    Click "Convert" button.

  • To allow time for the page. You receive a notification that your conversion is complete.
  • 5

    Open your e-Mail Inbox, and then click the email from your site online conversion selected.

  • Their converted PDF file is saved as an attachment. Click "Download" and save your commitment by entering the file name and specify where to save your PDF file.

    Help Adobe create PDF Online
  • 1

    Choose between three plans available for convert - free, basic, and more.

  • If you select Basic or more purchase subscription, and choose from monthly or annual payments.
  • 2

    Register for an account with Adobe for your service subscription use.

  • 3

    Click tab "Create PDF" at the upper left of your page.

  • 4

    Click on "Select file" dialog box "Adobe PDF create" that will open and load the Word document you want to convert.

  • 5

    Time to complete the conversion.

  • You will now see your PDF daNS your "all files" window. "Choose""Download" tab, right from your PDF document recently converted. Type in the dialog box "Download" to open, pop, the location to save the document.

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    How: replace MS wpd

    < p > ID 'IntelliTxt' = a file. WP is a Microsoft Word perfect document. .Word perfect, such as Microsoft Word is a word processor. .. .the which is most users of Microsoft Word as word perfect, because Word more in line with other types of files as Microsoft Word processing program. .... If you want to overwrite a file wpd with doc, PDF or any other type of file, Word handyman problems < /p > can: Easy < h2 class = "Heading1a underline header" > instructions < OL identifier. "" "" > = 'IntelliTXT' < li ID = "jsArticleStep1" > 1 < p > click "Start", "all programs", "Microsoft Office" Microsoft Word "for open Word on your computer." < /p > < li id = "jsArticleStep2" > < p > 2 click "File", "Open", find the file. WPD to override, click file and then click "Open" to open the file. WPD in Word. .Notez is Word compatible with word perfect, if you don't have worry about unable to open the file. "< / P > < li ID ="jsArticleStep3"> < p > 3 click on" file ","Save". "rename the file if you want to click on the top - right drop down menu" file "and select the type of file you want to overwrite the file." WPD with. .Puis, click "Save". .Word saves the document as a different file type. .Notez Word 97-2003 file is a file. Doc and PDF file is a PDF file... < /p >.

    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    How to remove the code when you insert a Word document in Yahoo Mail ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Microsoft Word has several useful functions and share some of them developed specifically for Word and not intended to be interpreted by applications outside the range of Microsoft Office products. ... .These properties, such as smart quotes, dashes and long balls, while useful can be funny when you type a Word document appear cause symbols and codes in the copied text from Word. In other applications such as Yahoo Mail. ... .To avoid this, you need the code text Word before copying and pasting into the body of your e-mail </ p> Difficulty Strip. .. Underline Basic Manual header "> <h2 class =" Heading1a <id = ol. .<li> "IntelliTXT" id = "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> Open the Word document you want to copy. Yahoo e-mail. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 On the File menu. .(Or "Office" menu when you use Word 2007) and select "Save As .. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select "Plain Text (. Txt)" from the dropdown. .File formats in the Save As dialog box. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Click the Save button to save your document in this new format. .. </ P> <li id = "jsArticleStep5 ."> <p> 5 Close the document and open the txt. .. File you just saved. ... .You will find that all the formatting of Word-specific, such as bold, italic and underlined, is now gone. ... .In addition, all characteristics of self-format, such as numbered lists, bullets or dashes are removed from the text. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> drag over the text with your mouse to select it. .And then press Ctrl + C to copy the selected text .. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> Open your browser and log into your Yahoo mail account. .. </ P>. .<li Id="jsArticleStep8"> 8 <p> Click the "Post" and give up, click the cursor in the text of the e-mail. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep9"> <p> 9th .Press Ctrl + V to paste the copied text from Word into the Yahoo e-mail. ... .The text has no codes or funny characters in Word and it should appear in the rule. .. </ P> ...

    Sunday, February 12, 2012

    What does the table in MS Word Split mean? ...

    id = "P1"> <p Adding a Table to a document provides the reader with a visual summary of the information presented. ... .Most word processing software allows computer users to integrate pictures into a document, rather than an additional table. ... .The understanding of the functions available to handle tables supports the user in creating effortless. .. </ P> <ol id='intelliTxt'> <h2 class="Heading3a"> changing <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Microsoft Word is easy. .And varied, combining simplicity. And seemingly endless possibilities. ... .Inserting a table is only a few clicks. ... .Users can learn to change how the document progresses demanding schedule. ... .One way a table to MS Word is a "Split Table" offers help. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> use of "Split Table" <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Split selection table is the table divided into two camps. .new tables. with the line as the first line of the new table selected. ... .Split a table is simply the processing software to a marker (similar to a page break) announced that the table instead of in two independent structures. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> How-To <li id="jsArticleStep1"> So share a. table, place the cursor within (or highlight) the first cell of the table. In line .first row of the table and choose table are divided ....

    Friday, February 10, 2012

    How to make a docx in Word 2000 ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Word 2000 uses the Microsoft format "doc". ... .This poses a problem when trying Word 2007 or newer files, which use to open a compact and efficient "docx" suffix because the Office 2000 programs can not execute "docx" files themselves .. .To solve the problem, Microsoft has its software compatibility pack, which, once installed, automatically converts "docx" files. ... .Thus you can view and edit Word 2007 and Word 2010 documents </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need. .Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack <Ol id <li id='intelliTxt'> .= "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> download Microsoft Compatibility Pack Setup software. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Run the installation file called. ."FileFormatConverters.exe." </ P> <li id = ".jsArticleStep3 "> 3 <p> follow the instructions of the program, install the package on your computer. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p .> Run Word 2000, after the package has finished installing. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> Click File. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> Click "Open .. ... " .A dialog window. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> Select your desired "docx" file. ... .Once selected, you can use the Compatibility Pack, the file to "Doc." </ P> convert ...

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    How to print on paper borders ...

    <p created id='intelliTxt'> A limit on the paper interested in your project and you can customize your paper for the holidays, a birthday or other special occasions. ... .For professional use, a minimal border adds a touch of elegance to your presentation paper. ... .Add a border to a standard piece of 8 1/2- by 11 inches with a word processing software such as Microsoft Word in a few steps and reward you with a decorative paper for the adaptation of the letter. Letters, or decorating. .. Difficulty </ P>: Single <h2 class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need: <8 1/2-by .-11. word paper printer software id = ol 'IntelliTXT. .<li> id = "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> Open Microsoft Word document in a new or ongoing. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Click the Layout tab on. .The top of the screen, third from the left tab. ... .Select the "Margins" from the toolbar. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select the desired style, color and width of the page or select a border line art of the pop-up box. ... .Frontiers series include variations on simple lines, while the limits of technology and pick up more of the limits of the holiday season and abstract images. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Click OK to apply your border. .Page. ... .Check your work in print preview, seems to be safe from the border, as you want. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> print preview before printing by clicking the Print icon to the top. .Links on the page. ... .The border will be printed on paper. .. </ P> ...