A watermark is visible thumbnail or a line of text materials for protection and for purposes of security, such as license and copyright is often added.
Want to if you want to add a watermark to an existing file or create a new file with a watermark, you can use Microsoft Word to create a complete this task. Word processor offers users a variety of free templates and allows users to create a custom text or image watermark. Difficulty: easyInstructions- 1
Go to "Start", then click on "all programs".
Click "Microsoft Office", and open Microsoft Office Word. Go to "Start", then click on "all programs".
Click the round button in Microsoft Office and open the existing file.
Click the "Page Layout" tab toolbar.
Click the option "custom watermark" open window "Watermark printed."
Select the check box next to "image watermark ' use a picture as a watermark."
Select the check box next to "Te".
Use for your watermark text "XT watermark" custom. In the field "Text" and type your personal message. You can change the style, color and size of your text with the font popup menus.Select the check box next to "Diagonal" or "Horizontal" to position your watermark design.
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