Thursday, February 23, 2012

As hidden XPS in TXT

XPS file is a document format that is similar to a PDF file.

To view or XPS file converted a TXT document in the Microsoft XPS, XPS file open must select and copy the text and paste the text in a text editor or word processor. The XPS Viewer is included in recent versions of the Windows operating system. If you have not XPS Viewer on your computer, you can download the program on the Microsoft Web site. Difficulty: easy

  1. 1

    Locate the XPS file on your computer on request and with the right mouse button on the file.

When the context menu on the screen appears, choose "Open with" option and XPS Viewer. Their XPS file is open in the Windows application.
  • 2

    Select the text you want to convert TXT.

  • To convert the entire document, choose all the text in an XPS document to your mouse. Click the "Edit" tab and select "Copy".
  • 3

    Go to "Start", then click on "all programs".

  • Click "Accessories" and open "Notepad" to. A blank document opens on the screen.
  • 4

    Right click on the empty document and choose "Paste".

  • The contents of an XPS document is inserted into your editor document.
  • 5

    Click the "File" and select "Save as".

  • Name your file and select "text documents (* .txt)" drop down menu "File type". Click "Save".

    Saturday, February 18, 2012

    Save as a Word 2003 document in PDF format

    Converting Word documents to PDF format is useful when you want to share and protect documents.

    Subsequent versions of Microsoft Word are equipped with a tool for the "Save as PDF" but with Word 2003, you need a PDF Converter. The official programme for the conversion is Adobe Acrobat, but it is expensive. There are numerous programs freeware PDF conversion. October 2010, CNET says that is the leading provider of software in Windows PDF conversion downloadable Primo PDF, free of charge. Another way is to use online solutions, you can install to create PDF files without software. Adobe PDF Online offers a monthly subscription service and there are many free services such as primo PDF and free email PDF Converter. They are compatible with Windows and Mac documents. Difficulty: easy


      Using conversion software
    1. 1

      Download you forth and install the PDF conversion software.

  • 2

    Open the Word document you want to convert to PDF format.

  • 3

    Click the "File" menu and select "Print" option.

  • In the dialog box that opens, select your PDF software currently installed as your printer.
  • 4

    Choose your security options if you want to use as your password-protected file.

  • You can also select options to compress files or adding information to existing files.
  • 5

    Click "Create PDF" and type the name of your file and where you want to save your PDF file.

  • Methods

    free online Konvertieinsurance
  • 1

    Navigate to your selected online conversion method.

  • Links to the "create PDF online free" or "Free Email PDF Converter", see the "Resources" section.
  • 2

    Under the section, click "Select file" or "Choose a document" on the "Browse" and select the file you want to convert to PDF format.

  • Li ID "jsArticleStep3" = > 3

    Type your e-Mail address in the following tab if your e-Mail address is required.

  • 4

    Click "Convert" button.

  • To allow time for the page. You receive a notification that your conversion is complete.
  • 5

    Open your e-Mail Inbox, and then click the email from your site online conversion selected.

  • Their converted PDF file is saved as an attachment. Click "Download" and save your commitment by entering the file name and specify where to save your PDF file.

    Help Adobe create PDF Online
  • 1

    Choose between three plans available for convert - free, basic, and more.

  • If you select Basic or more purchase subscription, and choose from monthly or annual payments.
  • 2

    Register for an account with Adobe for your service subscription use.

  • 3

    Click tab "Create PDF" at the upper left of your page.

  • 4

    Click on "Select file" dialog box "Adobe PDF create" that will open and load the Word document you want to convert.

  • 5

    Time to complete the conversion.

  • You will now see your PDF daNS your "all files" window. "Choose""Download" tab, right from your PDF document recently converted. Type in the dialog box "Download" to open, pop, the location to save the document.

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    How: replace MS wpd

    < p > ID 'IntelliTxt' = a file. WP is a Microsoft Word perfect document. .Word perfect, such as Microsoft Word is a word processor. .. .the which is most users of Microsoft Word as word perfect, because Word more in line with other types of files as Microsoft Word processing program. .... If you want to overwrite a file wpd with doc, PDF or any other type of file, Word handyman problems < /p > can: Easy < h2 class = "Heading1a underline header" > instructions < OL identifier. "" "" > = 'IntelliTXT' < li ID = "jsArticleStep1" > 1 < p > click "Start", "all programs", "Microsoft Office" Microsoft Word "for open Word on your computer." < /p > < li id = "jsArticleStep2" > < p > 2 click "File", "Open", find the file. WPD to override, click file and then click "Open" to open the file. WPD in Word. .Notez is Word compatible with word perfect, if you don't have worry about unable to open the file. "< / P > < li ID ="jsArticleStep3"> < p > 3 click on" file ","Save". "rename the file if you want to click on the top - right drop down menu" file "and select the type of file you want to overwrite the file." WPD with. .Puis, click "Save". .Word saves the document as a different file type. .Notez Word 97-2003 file is a file. Doc and PDF file is a PDF file... < /p >.

    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    How to remove the code when you insert a Word document in Yahoo Mail ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Microsoft Word has several useful functions and share some of them developed specifically for Word and not intended to be interpreted by applications outside the range of Microsoft Office products. ... .These properties, such as smart quotes, dashes and long balls, while useful can be funny when you type a Word document appear cause symbols and codes in the copied text from Word. In other applications such as Yahoo Mail. ... .To avoid this, you need the code text Word before copying and pasting into the body of your e-mail </ p> Difficulty Strip. .. Underline Basic Manual header "> <h2 class =" Heading1a <id = ol. .<li> "IntelliTXT" id = "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> Open the Word document you want to copy. Yahoo e-mail. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 On the File menu. .(Or "Office" menu when you use Word 2007) and select "Save As .. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select "Plain Text (. Txt)" from the dropdown. .File formats in the Save As dialog box. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Click the Save button to save your document in this new format. .. </ P> <li id = "jsArticleStep5 ."> <p> 5 Close the document and open the txt. .. File you just saved. ... .You will find that all the formatting of Word-specific, such as bold, italic and underlined, is now gone. ... .In addition, all characteristics of self-format, such as numbered lists, bullets or dashes are removed from the text. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> drag over the text with your mouse to select it. .And then press Ctrl + C to copy the selected text .. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> Open your browser and log into your Yahoo mail account. .. </ P>. .<li Id="jsArticleStep8"> 8 <p> Click the "Post" and give up, click the cursor in the text of the e-mail. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep9"> <p> 9th .Press Ctrl + V to paste the copied text from Word into the Yahoo e-mail. ... .The text has no codes or funny characters in Word and it should appear in the rule. .. </ P> ...

    Sunday, February 12, 2012

    What does the table in MS Word Split mean? ...

    id = "P1"> <p Adding a Table to a document provides the reader with a visual summary of the information presented. ... .Most word processing software allows computer users to integrate pictures into a document, rather than an additional table. ... .The understanding of the functions available to handle tables supports the user in creating effortless. .. </ P> <ol id='intelliTxt'> <h2 class="Heading3a"> changing <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Microsoft Word is easy. .And varied, combining simplicity. And seemingly endless possibilities. ... .Inserting a table is only a few clicks. ... .Users can learn to change how the document progresses demanding schedule. ... .One way a table to MS Word is a "Split Table" offers help. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> use of "Split Table" <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Split selection table is the table divided into two camps. .new tables. with the line as the first line of the new table selected. ... .Split a table is simply the processing software to a marker (similar to a page break) announced that the table instead of in two independent structures. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> How-To <li id="jsArticleStep1"> So share a. table, place the cursor within (or highlight) the first cell of the table. In line .first row of the table and choose table are divided ....

    Friday, February 10, 2012

    How to make a docx in Word 2000 ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Word 2000 uses the Microsoft format "doc". ... .This poses a problem when trying Word 2007 or newer files, which use to open a compact and efficient "docx" suffix because the Office 2000 programs can not execute "docx" files themselves .. .To solve the problem, Microsoft has its software compatibility pack, which, once installed, automatically converts "docx" files. ... .Thus you can view and edit Word 2007 and Word 2010 documents </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need. .Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack <Ol id <li id='intelliTxt'> .= "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> download Microsoft Compatibility Pack Setup software. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Run the installation file called. ."FileFormatConverters.exe." </ P> <li id = ".jsArticleStep3 "> 3 <p> follow the instructions of the program, install the package on your computer. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p .> Run Word 2000, after the package has finished installing. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> Click File. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> Click "Open .. ... " .A dialog window. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> Select your desired "docx" file. ... .Once selected, you can use the Compatibility Pack, the file to "Doc." </ P> convert ...

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    How to print on paper borders ...

    <p created id='intelliTxt'> A limit on the paper interested in your project and you can customize your paper for the holidays, a birthday or other special occasions. ... .For professional use, a minimal border adds a touch of elegance to your presentation paper. ... .Add a border to a standard piece of 8 1/2- by 11 inches with a word processing software such as Microsoft Word in a few steps and reward you with a decorative paper for the adaptation of the letter. Letters, or decorating. .. Difficulty </ P>: Single <h2 class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need: <8 1/2-by .-11. word paper printer software id = ol 'IntelliTXT. .<li> id = "jsArticleStep1"> 1 <p> Open Microsoft Word document in a new or ongoing. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Click the Layout tab on. .The top of the screen, third from the left tab. ... .Select the "Margins" from the toolbar. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select the desired style, color and width of the page or select a border line art of the pop-up box. ... .Frontiers series include variations on simple lines, while the limits of technology and pick up more of the limits of the holiday season and abstract images. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Click OK to apply your border. .Page. ... .Check your work in print preview, seems to be safe from the border, as you want. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> print preview before printing by clicking the Print icon to the top. .Links on the page. ... .The border will be printed on paper. .. </ P> ...

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    How to teach cool things about PowerPoint ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Several presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint. ... .PowerPoint can be used for simple presentations show very much alive and dynamic. ... .Motion, animation, graphics, images, hyperlinks, include audio and video presentations more interesting and less static and are relatively easy to make a presentation. ... .Just because you some nifty features, does not mean you should. ... .Teach you how to use these functions to effective PowerPoint presentations and cool with the basics to start creating </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately challenging class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id='intelliTxt'> <li id = "1 .jsArticleStep1 "> <p> start teaching how to .a brand. PowerPoint presentation to the teaching of useful features. ... .A presentation, regardless of the Sensational, needs a theme and a structure based on research. ... .A very cool and efficient tool in PowerPoint Framework. ... .Although it sing zip across the screen, or dance, it's a great way to make a presentation and the presenter of the message is an audience given structure. ... .After the students have created the basic layout, it is ready for detailed information. .. </ P> 2 <p> Show <li id="jsArticleStep2"> effective PowerPoint presentations that go beyond a basic account. ... .After a student demonstrates that he make a basic account with a fixed structure, then it is ready to explore more advanced features of PowerPoint such as animations, transitions, graphics and sounds. ... .A number of websites dedicated to zippy show PowerPoint presentations, visit the resources of some of them </ p> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> learn, as well. Animation, Motion .graphics and other advanced features. ... .PowerPoint. ... .This training focuses on a particular function not just a PowerPoint presentation with the design features. ... .Students must not keep up with a PowerPoint presentation, or that you can work them. ... .Working with a presentation means, for example, students can use advanced features, without worrying that they are trying to lose their hard work. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> Teach students to redesign their basic slideshow. .With the functions they have learned. ... .As with the slide base, focus on the message and structure. ... .Give your students time to revise their presentations for basic ways to improve their presentation and sound, animation, graphics or video. ... .Some Web sites have resources for video, animation, graphics and sound. ... .A microphone for recording sound in a practical presentation. ... .Designing a presentation takes time and creativity. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> <p> 5 .Ask the students share their PowerPoint presentation to the class covered. ... .Follow-presentations with a discussion of the differences between a show and a presentation of basic technologies. ... .Go to what they have learned and talk about what works and what does not work for your area. .. </ P> ...

    Sunday, February 5, 2012

    Heading styles in Word 2007 ...

    <li id='intelliTxt'> <ol id="jsArticleStep1"> you can make your own designs or existing Word change you ones.When Microsoft Word 2007, you can change the way the text in a. .word or a paragraph mark looks like., then click on a button, such as bold or font. ... .This is called direct formatting. ... .There is an easier way. ... .You can format to use in Word built-in styles for headings, text. ... .A style is all the formatting attributes in a single click and has a name such as "Heading 1" or "title". .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> types <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Word has three main types of built-oriented program. .Character, paragraph and link. ... .Character styles apply text attributes and formatting change as the font size and color, according to Microsoft. ... ."Subtle Reference", "Book Title" and "strong" are all types of character styles for headings. ... .Paragraph styles affect a paragraph. ... .These styles and formatting attributes such as character styles, but they also have formatting applies to paragraphs as line spacing, alignment, and margins. ... .Style types can be either character or paragraph formats, depending on how they are implemented. ... .If the style to a word or set of words, it's a character style. ... .If you apply the same way for a paragraph there is a paragraph style. ... .Linked styles are Heading 1, 2 and 3 "," title "and" subtitles ". .<h2 Class="Heading3a"> situation id="jsArticleStep1"> <li. In Microsoft Word 2007, see incorporated the styles. .is by clicking on "Home" tab, then click a thumbnail-style in the Styles group on the Ribbon. ... .There is a scroll bar so that you can see all the thumbnails in style on the right side of the picture. ... .You can add additional style galleries, by accessing the "Change Styles in the Styles group. ... .Here is the coordination styles in the game design basis. ... .If you click-game design, you will find many models of this style. .. <h2 Save Class="Heading3a"> benefits <li id="jsArticleStep1"> styles to time. ... .To create the Heading 2 style, you need the text and click the Cambria font, click another button to get to point 13 text and click another button to the blue headline. ... .If you simply click on number 2 in the Styles group, you have all the formatting in a single click. ... .Styles is also a way with the format of the document. ... .If you use a style instead of direct formatting, you need not worry if you have forgotten something. ... .Styles also translate easily into the HTML web pages and PDF documents. ... .If a location in your document, it is in position 1 to be on a web page or a PDF file. ... .The result is to find a consistent look, and making documents more accessible to screen readers ....

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    How do I create a table in Word 2000 ...

    <p id="intelliTxt"> is often strictly as a word processor is used, Microsoft Word, you can be a variety of objects in your documents, including images, forms, charts, graphs. hyperlinks and text boxes. .</ P> The program also allows you, with the rows and columns of data by working on a number of custom formats. .. Once you know where to find the appropriate command by a table in your Word 2000 document requires a few clicks. .. Level:. .Easy <h2 class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id="intelliTxt"> <li id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> Click on a section of the document where .You created the table that <. p> </ li> </ ol> </ h2> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> 2 <p> on the Table click .the top menu bar, select Insert and then click the Table .. .</ P> </ li> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> Simply enter your preferred number of columns and rows in the appropriate fields. .</ P> </ li> <li id = "jsArticleStep4" .> 4 <p> Choose the width of the column, and specify your preferred width in the adjacent field. .</ P> </ li> When Word automatically resizes the column width instead, select. "Automatic adjustment of the content" or "Automatic adjustment of the window. .". <li Id="jsArticleStep5"> <p> 5 Click OK to confirm your choice and create the new table. .</ P> </ li>..

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    How to convert DOC ODT

    Converting your DOC ODT documents documents may be necessary if you happen OpenOffice available on your computer, but available have no Microsoft Office.

    The ODT format or open the text document is openoffice writer word processing software used and is based on an open standard, of which it anyone use format allows. The format DOC, has been used compared Microsoft Word until the Word 2007, while saving documents in DOC format can now stores in DOCX format. There are several ways to perform the conversion. Difficulty: easy


      Converter files or Convert.Files
    1. 1

      Please visit this link for free file conversion or Convert.Files.

  • 2

    Click "Browse".

  • Navigate to the ODT file you want to convert. Click "Open".
  • 3

    Select the "conversion".doc format.

  • Click on "convert".
  • 4

    Click on the link and select "save under".

  • Type a name for the file. Make sure ".doc" include at the end of the file name so that it preserves the right extension. Click on "Save".

    Word 2007/2010:
  • 1

    Click the button "Office".

  • Word 2010 users should click "file" you on.
  • 2

    Click "Open".

  • Navigate to the file you want to convert ODT format. Select it and click "Open".
  • 3

    Click on the button "Office" or "File" once again.

  • Select "Save""inter".
  • > 4

    Click the arrow to the bottom of the document in the help section.

    Select "Word 97-2003 (* .doc)". "" Click "Save".

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    How to enable text 90 degrees in Word 2000

    Microsoft Word 2000 uses documents for various types of projects to create such as letters and information sheets.

    Can the alignment of the specific text on the page change, change without the alignment of text. Areas of text in Word 2000 make this possible. You allow text turn 90 degrees to the left or right side. Apply the change to the existing or new text in your document. Difficulty: easy

    1. 1

      Select the text to rotate 90 degrees in Word 2000.

  • 2

    Choose "Insert" and "Text field" in the menu to move the selected text in the text box.

  • 3

    Select your page text box and click on "Format" and "Alignment" from the menu.

  • 4

    Choose the orientation of 90 degrees, you would put in the "Zone of text text direction" dialog box and click "OK".

  • Sunday, January 29, 2012

    Printing from word perfect

    WordPerfect is a word processor developed by Corel, documents based on text with a variety of formatting, styles, and options to create.

    The program is available for a variety of operating systems and includes a spelling and grammar checking. If you need to store a copy of the document, print it to the WordPerfect program. To do this, you need a printer on your computer to install and configure. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

    1. 1

      Start WordPerfect and open the document you want to print.

  • 2

    Click on the "File" menu on the screen and select "Print".

  • Select the printer you want to use from the list of printers. Click on the icon for the printer to select it.
  • 3

    Select the part of the document you want to print in the box "print".

  • Available options are "Select text" "All", "Current page" (which prints only the page you, if you made the print dialog box) and type the number on certain pages or range of specify.
  • 4

    Click the "Options" and select the pages print only odd or, if necessary.

  • Click on the "Format" menu and select "Page" and then "paper size". If the print on an envelope, select the envelope size. Select "Profile" or "Landscape" orientation of the page as needed. Click "Edit" button and select a plateau on the printer to print the document if the printer has more than a paper tray.
  • = "jsArticleStep5" > 5

    Type the number of copies, the

    You in the box "Copies" printed text, and select or clear the check box "Sorting", want to change the sorting function. Leave checked will sort all pages in the order print before printing the subsequent copies.
  • 6

    Click to the place or remove a check of the "printed in reverse"

  • "Option order". Select an option in the drop-down menu.
  • 7

    Click "Print" to print the document with the selected options.

  • Saturday, January 28, 2012

    How do I add images to MS Word files scanned

    Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office suite, word processing element provides templates QuickStart for reporting documents newsletter to the brochures mailing labels.

    Break all words in the document by adding graphics. If have the image perfectly for a Word document, but it is in print, Word can quickly add of analysis in your pages. Add a picture in a Word document scanned takes just a few clicks. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

    1. 1

      Open Microsoft Word.

    Click the tab "File" at the top of the screen. Select "Open". Navigate to the document to a scanned image to add, and then double-click the file name. The document will open in a new Word window.
  • 2

    Scroll through the document, and then click the cursor on the item to add to the scanned image.

  • Squeeze "Enter", a line break to get or 'CTRL' and 'Enter', to add a page break.
  • 3

    Click the menu "Insert" at the top of the screen.

  • Click "Image" directly below the Ribbon/toolbar.
  • 4

    Navigate to the image scanned on your computer, and then double-click the file name.

  • The image appears in the Word document on the page.

    Friday, January 27, 2012

    How do I install WordPerfect X 4 & XP Home FAQ

    Corel WordPerfect is a word processor Microsoft Word processing software.

    There are several different versions of the program, including WordPerfect X 4 and WordPerfect XP Home Edition. You can install both products on your computer, any other name installation used to prevent substitution of the other two programs. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy


    You need: installation CD of things
    1. 1

      First place the installation CD-ROM in your computer's drive.

    No matter which program you install. Setup Wizard loads the screen and a moment wait.
  • 2

    Click "Next", and then you then the installation code printed on the CD sleeve.

  • Click on «Next» continue new.
  • 3

    Choose more name of install locations as - is, "Next" twice, and then click "install".

  • This installs the first Corel WordPerfect program on your computer.
  • 4

    The first CD eject once installation is complete, and then add the second CD ROM installation for the next program.

  • Follow the same instructions and steps for the second CD install on computer programming.

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    How do I save a laptop screen in a Word DOC file

    Save the display of a laptop screen create a screen shot.

    Once in the screen shot is captured, paste and save the image from the screen shot into a Word document. Use the image in the Word document to improve your existing text or for image storage. Capture a shot of the screen and save the image using the keys on your keyboard. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

    1. 1

      See your screen laptop computer that you want to convert a screenshot.

    Press on your keyboard "Alt" and "Print Screen". Display copies this strike action from your laptop.
  • 2

    Open Word 2007, and then press "Control" and "V" on the keyboard.

  • This will paste the screenshot into the newly open Word document.
  • 3

    Save your screen by clicking the "Save" icon on the Quick Access toolbar.

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    Proposals for open Office by entering

    1. Proposals of written format type.OpenOffice (OO) is a free alternative to Microsoft Office.
    The advantage of using OO is that it is free, comes with online help and perfect offers many options for creating text documents of all types in its treatment of text formatting. Many of these formatting include the automatic formatting options where OO "recognition proposes various things like the correct spelling, AutoFit text placement and word" features. This is very useful to know and use if use OO software features.

    Auto correct
  • Auto correct is an OO topics as have mistyped, inappropriate use of lock (for example with two-letter capital in a Word), the recognition and the highlighted URL options automatic fat and highlighting feature automatically adjusts.
  • To enable it, select the "format" menu click "Auto Correct" and select the check box next to "by typing." This allows to create documents are immediately corrected as you type in order to ensure a document grammatically correct. Meets your requirements "as you type" option select an other AutoCorrect as "apply and edit changes" in the "Format" menu this gives you the opportunity to review and manual corrections for the document on the basis of proposals of OpenOffice.

    Automatic formatting
  • Auto formatting is a feature that allows you to properly format a document in a specific style like e.g. a letter, hierarchical, indexes and HTML styles.
  • This option hatAuto adjusts the aspects such as line spacing, formatting, withdrawal and headers and Fußzeilen and can be set to "Auto" or "Manual". You can access these settings by "Formatting" in the menu by clicking on "styles and formatting" and "Auto" in the dialog box is displayed. This setting takes adjustments as you type, so there is no need, spend unnecessary time your document into the appropriate format change.

    Text input
  • Text input is for the use of OpenOffice a handy feature clearly.
  • This feature is remembered at the "T9" feature cell phones you will notice your specific input and spelling, which automatically adds the words models. If you enter determines the parameter what you intend, based on the first write some letters you enter. If the word in fact, what you plan to write simply "Enter" press and continue typing. The word is not what you want to write, type finish the word fully enter your version. Remember that the word recognition is feature as a "smart" feature, which means, that it essentially learns from you and your writing style. This means if you forget a bad word, word recognition consistently you not the fault of the spell strike and continue to use your misspelling. It is certainly preferable that you properly spelling are all words for word recognition for your needs effective.

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    How: change the font size in Microsoft products

    Microsoft products have a conception of a software product to another entity.

    This makes your virtually interchangeable interfaces so that know how a product with one of the other software products from Microsoft to use simple much. One of the most common tasks in Microsoft products, either with regard to the processing, spreadsheets, or create your presentation to change the font size. Change the font size in the products that can be done to Microsoft in a few mouse clicks. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

    1. 1

      Open the software product from Microsoft.

  • 2

    For the "font" group "Home" tab.

  • "Home" tab located above left of the interface. "Font" group has two fields to change the font: one for the name of the font on the left and the other for the size of the font on the right.
  • 3

    Click the font size "Font" on the right side of the group box

  • Resize the font by on the number of the size of the font you want.
  • 4

    Click the large letters "A" on the right side of the group "font", increase the font size or click the small letter "A" to reduce the font size.

  • Friday, January 20, 2012

    To create a new Word document in Office 2003

    Published in June 2010, Microsoft Office 2010 Suite updates that contain Microsoft Word Word processing software.

    With options such as new ways for the formatting of numbers, text and images began graphics, document sharing the updated word about the country on computers and check boxes appear. If you have a word 2010 document to users with the version 2003 to send formatting and other issues prevent the opening of the document can be problematic. Use Word 2010, to save a version, as an Office 2003 document to ensure that your audience on the files accessible. Difficulty: easy

    1. 1

      Open Microsoft Word.

    Click the "File" and choose "Open". Locate the document save an Office 2003 file and double-click the file name. The document will open in a new Word window.
  • 2

    Make more changes such as adding "Registered as version 2003" at the beginning of the document, such as favorite.

  • 3

    Click the "File" and select "Save as".

  • Drop down menu "File type" and select "document in the Word 97-2003". Click on "Save" and save the document.

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    How: use a check box in your Word mail merge documents

    Microsoft Word merge the different documents.

    For example, you can create an address list in Excel and then implement a mail merge in Word. Fusion, combine with Excel and Word, create the letter form for each person, that you have data. Merge feature is the ability to add different brands or ratings depending on what, in the data, how you tick a box if the person is a man. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

    1. 1

      Open your Word document that you made to merge.

  • 2

    Click on "Forms" on the upper Word Ribbon.

  • 3

    Select "Insert A merge field", and add the field where you want it in your document.

  • 4

    Type "{IF {MERGEFIELD field} Y =" A "" B "}" in your mail merge field.

  • Replace the A and B with enabled check box, a box unchecked. These fields are available in "Insert" and then "symbol".

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    Insert the symbol for degrees of temperature in MS Word

    Microsoft Office Word program comes with functionality, including editing options, installation and the presentation of photos page paragraph stacked.

    You can insert many characters in a document with embedded fonts program. For example, you can add the symbol for degrees. His string of Unicode characters is the fastest to a degree symbol in your document in Word programs to place type on the keyboard of the computer. Difficulty: easy

    1. 1

      Place the cursor where you want to insert the degree symbol.

  • 2

    To enable NumLock pressing "Num lock" on your keyboard.

  • 3

    Press the "alt" and press "0176" on your keyboard.

  • 4

    Let the "alt".

  • The symbol appends level where the cursor is located.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    To mark the frame elements in Office 2007.

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Word 2007, you can apply to different sections of text or table cell shading, these terms from those around them. ...: You can apply colors and styles of shading through "Borders and Shading" dialog box by clicking and dragging to select text or tables </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions Id>.> = Ol 'IntelliTXT "<li id="jsArticleStep1"> a <p> Select the text you want to. .Shaded by clicking and dragging from the beginning to the end of the text. ... .Select the desired table by the shade at the edge of the table, or select specific cells, click and drag to draw a border around the cells. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 clicks. ."Home" tab in the Ribbon on the top of the desktop window. ... .Click on the "Borders" button. ... .can flow directly located next to the "fill" button with the picture of the color - it looks like a square with a single solid line on the lower dash. ... .Choose Borders and Shading "from the menu that appears. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> Click "Shading" tab. ... .Select the options you want shadow - the color and pattern. ... .In the "Apply to" menu "selection" to ensure that shading only refers to the portion of text you've selected. .. </ P> ...

    Monday, January 16, 2012

    How do I import the thumbnails in a Word file ...

    id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p combination of text, shapes and images, you can create Word documents convincing. ... .Thumbnails are small replicas of larger images and come in a variety of formats. ... .Images are often the JPEG and GIF. ... .Find stamps, and other applications on the Web. ... .These thumbnails are useful because of their small size. ... .Just import them into Word and use it to improve your document </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id='intelliTxt'> <li id="jsArticleStep1"> 1 <. .P> Create Open an existing Word document or. A new one. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Place the cursor where you a thumbnail view. .. </ P> <li id = "3 .jsArticleStep3 "> <p> Click Insert and click on "image". ... .The "Insert Image" window. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Navigate to the folder that contains your thumbnails. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> <p .> 5 Double-click an image. ... .Word insert into the document at the cursor position. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> <p> 6 Repeat this procedure to add additional labels to other places in your document. .. </ P> <li id = 7 ."jsArticleStep7"> <p> click on a picture. ... .Word inserts a border around the image. ... .Handles appear at the corners of the box. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep8"> 8 <p> the left mouse button on a handle and hold the left mouse button. .. </ P> <li id = 9 "jsArticleStep9" .> <p> Pull the handle to resize the image to make it more or less. ... .In the size of a thumbnail, you can melt the size in the surrounding text. .. </ P> ...

    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    How do I create a side trip in a Word document ...

    id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p In the golden era of manual typewriters, a typewriter created a new page for a document by a sheet of paper and inserting a new one. ... .Modern software for word processing eliminates the need to pull the lever and handle paper when creating hard returns page. ... .For example, if the text in a Microsoft Word exceed the dimensions of a page, Word automatically adds a new page. ... .You can also return a hard page manually to a desired location in the document </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id='intelliTxt'> <li id = "1 .jsArticleStep1 "> <p> Open Word. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> Type 2: "appear on the first page. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 0.3 <p> Position the cursor at the end of the line and press the "Ctrl at the same time" and "Enter" key .. time. ... .Word will create a new page. ... .The words that you type appear on a page. .. </ P> ...

    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    How to Convert a Word document into a PDF Microsft ...

    <p id='intelliTxt'> Microsoft Word is a word processing program. ... .Adobe Portable Document Format or PDF is a universal retention and the file format document management. ... .The ability to convert a file in Word format to PDF is a useful tool for personal and business users and training and can be done in a few easy steps </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately easy class = "Heading1a SoulignĂ©-tĂȘte" .> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need Adobe to Word file AcrobatMS <ol id='intelliTxt'> .. <h4 convert class="Heading4a"> Print <li Conversion id="jsArticleStep1"> 1 <. .p> Open the MS Word file that you want to convert to PDF. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Choose File "and" Print "from the drop-down menu. .. </ P> <li .id = 3 "jsArticleStep3"> <p> Select "Adobe Acrobat" from the list of printers. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> Save the PDF file in the folder of your choice. .. </ P> Save <h4 class="Heading4a"> Direct Conversion <li id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> Open an MS Word file that you convert to PDF. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> 2 <. .P> Select "File" from the drop-down menu, Save As. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> Choose "Adobe PDF" from the list. .. </ P> <li .id = 4 "jsArticleStep4"> <p> Save the PDF file in the folder of your choice. .. </ P> <h4 class="Heading4a"> <li Convert Desktop Search <p> id = "jsArticleStep1> 1 ms. .Word file, you want to convert into the open office window. Containing the file. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> 2 <p> right-click the file. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 0.3 <p> Choose "PDF" from the menu that appears. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> Save the PDF file in the folder of your choice. .. </ P> ...