Saturday, November 27, 2010

How does work with the sections and headings in Word

Opening a new Microsoft Word document contains a blank slate.

An electronic version of a sheet of white paper expected your text, graphics and other information. A container for typed words, Word provides options to organize this information. Readers to anchor points and a way to keep a track where are you in a document using the word sections and headings pages. Difficulty: average

  1. 1

    Open Microsoft Word.

A blank document of 8, 5-by 11 inch is created. Add sections and headings to an existing document, click the tab "File", select "Open" and navigate to the document. Double-click the name of the file and it will open in a new Word window.
  • 2

    Click the "Insert" at the top of the page tab.

  • Click on the "header" button in the middle of the Ribbon tab, select a style header, such as plain or decorated with one line of text or color box. The header appears at the top of the page.
  • 3

    Type the header information, such as the name of the document date of the author of the day or the document's title.

  • 4

    Highlight the text header and click the "Start" at the top of the screen.

  • Use the controls in the section of the Ribbon font to the appearance of the header, such as for example the reduction of the police and turn gray change. Note to display any text and changes to this text as a header on each page of the document.
  • 5

    Click the Schaltflä

  • Che "close header" at the top of the screen editor's header and the document and the "X".
  • 6

    Give a new

  • Line on the blank page or scroll down to a line in the active document. Click on the "Home" at the top of the page tab. Place the cursor on one of the fields in the section styles band without clicking. Note the larger text characters, a different font or different colors.
  • 7

    Break the text in a header section, click a style to commit the sentence or phrase for the new style.

  • Type the actual headings of set of and apply style to this way, or already use headers in your document and style.
  • 8

    Click a region styles tape for each region.

  • Select zone 1, for example, article introductions and overviews in the document title. Add more sections in the entire document as desired.
  • 9

    Click the "File" and select "Save as".

  • Type a new name for preserving the original document and save the file on your computer.

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