Friday, December 3, 2010

As Notepad, to use the features on the computer use ...

<p id='intelliTxt'> Notepad, the simple text editor, Microsoft launches the Windows operating systems with limited functionality is concerned, as far as word processing. ... .However, you can create editor, used to batch files, which files to run commands are. ... .If you open a batch file, Windows automatically reads, interprets and executes the specified commands. ... .This means you can execute commands in Notepad, and open programs running on your computer automatically write </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id='intelliTxt'> <li id = "1 .jsArticleStep1 "> <p> Open the editor. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Click the Start button and click on My Computer or Computer. .. </ P> <li .id = "jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Double-click the C: drive or the letter of the main disk of the computer. ... .Navigate to the directory location for storing programs and applications (eg "Program Files"). .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> <p> 4 Double-click a program or application folder. ... .Find the name of the exe file that you open the program runs automatically. ... .For the word "application" in the column look "type" to find the application. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> right-click the program "Application" for the file and click Properties. ... .Select the "target" or "Location" field of the "Properties", "object or" Location "is the full path to the application of the right mouse button on the marked. And click OK. .Copy </ p>. ... .<li Id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> Enter a line of text in Notepad starts with "Start" - ". .. A command that instructs Windows to open a new window to start the program and follow with "/ d" .. .. A switch that sets the location of the program, for example, the following line of text to start your batch file notepad. Start / d </ p> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> Press .the space bar to a force. .Space. .. Enter the full path to the directory that the program "Application" for the file contains start automatically. .. Specify the full path in quotes if it contains spaces. .. For example, type the following line for an "Media Player" in its "Program Files" folder. .Start / d "C: \ Program Files \ Media Player" </ p> <li id = 8 ."jsArticleStep8"> <p> Press the space bar to a space, then type the name ... .. "Application" file for the program by quotation marks around the name if it contains spaces, for example, the following line to start a program in the media player "Program Files" folder: start / d "C.: .. .\ Program Files \ Media Player "Media Player.exe" </ p> <li id="jsArticleStep9"> <p> 9 Press Enter to start a new line. .. To the incoming lines that start with "start / D" and ends with the names of the programs. ."Application" to run the files until you have entered all the programs you want to run. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep10"> 10 <p> Click the File menu in Notepad, and click Save. .As. .. Click on "Save As" combo box and select a location for the file, such as your desktop. .. Enter a name for your file in the "File Name" with ". .. Bat "extension to batch file .. .. For example, type "NotepadBatchFile.bat" in the "File Name". .. Click Save. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep11"> 11 <p> Double-click on the ". .. Fledermaus "and observe. .Notepad file as a command that automatically selects the programs that you specified. .. </ P> ...

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