Monday, December 6, 2010

To copy an image with Word software ...

<p id="intelliTxt"> If you work in a Microsoft Word document with images, you can use these images directly from the software to copy their transfer to additional pages in the document, Word documents or other programs. </ p> This .is ideal to use a company logo on several pages or a periodic chart to illustrate your information. .With a few clicks, you can copy images into Word. .Difficulty: Easy <h2 class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <ol id="intelliTxt"> <li id="jsArticleStep1"> a <p> Open Microsoft Word, click the File tab and choose .Open. </ p> </ li> </ ol> </ h2> search copy to the Word document with the image, and then double-click the name of the file. .The document will open in a new Word window. .<li id="jsArticleStep2"> 2 <p> Scroll down the page of the document to be copied with the image. </ p> </ li> Optional Click the View tab, and click the .zoom button to enlarge the image. .<li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> Click once on the image to select it. </ p> </ li> Press set down the "Ctrl" and "C" on your keyboard to the image .copy in Word memory. .<li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> you click on another section of the document or open a new Word document and press the keys "Ctrl" and "V" together on the keyboard to paste the copied image .. </ p> </ li>.

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