Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to add a border graphics in Word documents ...

id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p Although Microsoft Word comes with existing limits page, you have to create a border of your choice. ... .A boundary graph is not included in the gallery page limit, but you can limit to a text box instead apply. ... .The text fields can be text and other objects in the same document as a separate item space. ... .You can resize the text box to your site and adjust their boundaries, to create the look you want </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> id = 'IntelliTXT "> <ol instructions. .<li Id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> Open a Word document, the change to you.. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Select "Insert" and select "Text Box" and ". .Draw Text Box "from the" text ";. Group. ... .Click on an area of your page where you want to add the text box. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select a text box and click on "Format". .. </ P> <li id = 4 ."jsArticleStep4"> <p> the "Text Styles" group, and choose Shape Outline "and" patron ". ... .The "Patterned Lines opens. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> Choose a graphic model of your choice, such as the network is large, small or punctured. ... .Select a foreground color and background color of your choice and click "OK". .</ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> Select Contour. Form "and" weight "of the" Text Styles "group. ... .Choose to make a point size as "6 pt" in line the border visible graphic on your page. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep7"> 7 <p> on the "size" of the group are in the format "." Tab to change the text box. ... .Select fill a size as 9.5 "in height and 7" in width, the whole page. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep8"> 8 <p> Go to "Organize" in the group. ."Format" tab and select "Adjust" and ". Center" to center the text box horizontally on your side. ... .Select "Adjust" and "medium" to the center vertically. .. </ P> ...

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