Monday, February 7, 2011

To print custom envelopes ...

id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p To draw your e-mail in a crowded mailbox and the attention of the person you send it, it makes sense to use a creation. custom cover, and your personality .or personal reflection. .Your business. ... .Whether you use Microsoft Word 2007 or an earlier version to create a custom skin is relatively simple and does not need much time </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Moderately easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class = .Things "Heading5a"> you need: Envelopes <ol id='intelliTxt'> <h4 class = " .;;. Heading4a> create envelopes in Microsoft Word 2007 <li id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> 1 Open a new document in Microsoft Word 2007 </ p> <li id = .". .jsArticleStep2 ";.> 2 <p> Click" envelopes "on the model list that on the left hand side of Microsoft Word 2007 when you open a new document. .. </ P>. .<li Id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Scroll through the selection of envelope models. ... .Do not worry if you do not find that fits exactly what you are looking for. ... .You can change the entries on the envelope template to your requirements. ... .The envelope model used all items are deleted and only as a base model. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> Create your own envelope. ... .If you do not use an envelope template, click on the Mail tab at the top of Microsoft Word 2007 and select "envelopes". ... ."Options" at the bottom of the dialog box and select "Options .. Envelope .Select Create the size of the envelope you to edit the document, click. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 <p> insert images or borders on the envelope. ... .If you use a template, you can choose to use the images and borders on the cover and simply enter your address and return envelopes in the appropriate fields. ... .Or select the image on the cover model and delete it and add your own. ... .You can also choose to see more pictures or limits to what can already add on a model. ... .Click "Insert", then select "Image", which you will be a list of available images. ... .Double-click the one you want to use. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep6"> 6 <p> Move your image to the placement on your envelope. ... .However, you must turn right onto the image, select "Format Picture" and then click on the layout, select the "tight", then "OK". .. </ P> <li id = 7 ."jsArticleStep7"> <p> set limits, by clicking "Insert" and then "Clip Art" .. .In search of a border by the. Word "border" into the search box clip art. ... .Choose a line by double-clicking. ... .Re-size and move the border to create an attractive appearance. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep8"> 8 <p> Fill out the address and return address. ... .You can change the font, by selecting the text then right click to change the file. ... .You can then change the font color, size and type. .. Insert </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep9"> 9 <p> WordArt. ... .To add WordArt, click on "Insert" and then "WordArt" .. .Select the type of WordArt you want, then add your text. ... .Click "OK", then place WordArt on your envelope in the desired position. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep10"> 10 <p> place an envelope in your printer, according to the guidelines of the printer to print envelopes. ... .On your computer, click the Office button in the upper left corner, then click Print. ... .Select your print options on the number of copies you want and click OK. .</ P> <h4 class="Heading4a"> with older versions of Microsoft Word to create. <li Custom envelopes id="jsArticleStep1"> <p .> 1 Open a new blank .document in Microsoft Word. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Click on "Tools" at the top of the document and then select "Letters and Mailings, and finally." Envelopes .and labels. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Enter the address and return address. ... .If you change the text, highlight the text and right click on the desired position. ... .Format text using font, size and color you use on your envelope. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> 4 <p> Click "Add to Document .." to go to a basic model of the envelope. .. </ P> <li id = 5 <p> "jsArticleStep5"> To view images, frames and / or WordArt to your envelope and please add pressure. A .. .. </ P> ...

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