Monday, February 14, 2011

To send a document with a password by e-mail protected ...

id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p send a document with a password protected, someone takes an e-mail a little thought and planning. ... .A password enabled document, the first step of many for the entire security. ... .Sending confidential information to people you trust for information, or for those that are "need to know .." select the recipients carefully, as you know someone that store data. Send them only to those who need it .. ... .The integration of these actions as part of routine, to limit access to your data </ p> difficulty. .. <h2 Easy class="Heading1a Underline header"> instructions <h2 class="Heading5a"> things you need. .PC with email Word or Excel 2003 or higher <li id ='IntelliTXT ".> <ol id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> writing a new document with your personal data into a Word file or .Excel. ... .Otherwise, copy and paste the information in the document. ... .Copy the text highlight in your original document, then click "Edit" main menu, then Copy. ... .In the new document using the mouse cursor location where you want the text appears, click on Edit and then Paste. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> <p> 2 Save the document. .They want by e-mail by selecting "File" from the main menu and send. "Save As". ... .A dialog box appears, find the file a name. ... .Enter a name and add the initials of the recipient, so you can easily see the password-protected file later. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> 3 <p> you save the file by clicking on "Tools" from the main menu. .Then Options, then click the tab. "Safety". ... .In one of the "password to open, enter a password and enter it again in the second box to see. ... .The best passwords at least eight characters and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols, you can, by adding the numbers of the row number on your keyboard. .. </ P> <li .id = 4 "jsArticleStep4"> <p> Send an e-mail to the recipient and attach the document containing sensitive information. ... .Inform the recipient that the document is protected by a password and you must specify the password. ... .Do not write the password in the same e-mail with a protected document. ... .Call the recipient to specify a password if you have a phone number or send a separate email with the password. ... .Do not specify how the recipient, and leave the subject line blank when you send a password via email. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> 5 Remove <p> documents with a password of your computer when you are. " .With the appropriate security has received his copy recipient. ... .When to change the beneficiary or to change, the protected document, you need to give instructions to remove the password, refer to three </ p> Step ....

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