Monday, November 29, 2010

Font similar Jokewood ...

<ol id='intelliTxt'> <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Jokewood is a common Windows font.With its lightness, the eccentric appearance, police Jokewood is especially useful for logos and short sentences .. ... .This sans serif font combined with a horseshoe of the Wild West of typography with a spiral structure with an informal letter, novelty feel. ... .Several other fonts are similar Jokewood in both forms of design and character. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> Circus Circus <li id="jsArticleStep1"> The police are the most similar Jokewood police for several reasons. ... .First, it is one of several fonts with a shadow in writing, which is almost identical to the Jokewood. ... .The inside of each letter, the top half is shaded black, while the lower half is white, and the two publications, a white lace shows up in the black half of the letters. ... .Fonts Circus also decreases the same vertical row of dots in the white part of each letter, each point of diminishing size. ... .Apart from the technical similarities, police Circus also has a light appearance. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> Comic Sans <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Since its first publication in the popular Windows operating system 95, Comic Sans. .a police often without being seen. serifs. ... .The main similarity between this policy and Jokewood is in the form of their characters. ... .Comic Sans suddenly much thinner than Jokewood and has no detail in every race, but in contrast to a standard set of fonts, many characters that are usually vertical symmetry, such as O, E and K. Asymmetric Comic Sans. ... .This results in a quality manual in sectoral policies and is a quirky or funny, feel the characters. .. <h2 Class="Heading3a"> Coffee Tin Tin <li id="jsArticleStep1"> Café police, as the name suggests, was. .in old coffee cans in the early base .20. .Century or earlier. ... .Coffee can is another of the few magazines that have a similar style shading Jokewood within each character. ... .In this policy, the top half of each character, shaded black, while the lower half is white, but unlike Jokewood coffee can has a black vertical white-looking half, and a. White tip in the direction of the dark. ... .In addition, feel, while both policies to keep the start of the American Wild West, is a serif font with a coffee can sign strict form ....

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