Monday, November 29, 2010

How to Plan text in Office 2007 ...

id = 'IntelliTXT "> <p create text describes a simple way to add visual interest to a document. ... .He draws attention to a word or a section of the document without being flashy or unprofessional. ... .It is possible to outline text in Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Outlook in Microsoft Office Suite 2007. .... .. Although the arrangement has changed the controls in the task bar with the Microsoft Office 2007, none of them have been removed - it's just a matter of finding them </ p> Difficulty: Easy <h2 class = "header Heading1. .Underline ">. .<ol instructions id='intelliTxt'> <h4 class="Heading4a"> Plan Word Art in Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook 2007 <li id = ".; jsArticleStep1 "> a <p> .; Select Paste from the top of the page .. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep2"> Select 2 <p> "Word Art" drop-down menu in the "Text" bubble on the extreme right in the toolbar. .. </ P> .= Id li> jsArticleStep3 "> <p 3 Select the text style you prefer. ... .A bubble word "art" is on the slide, or a table that reads "Your text here .. .Click in the bubble and will appear, enter the text you want. ... .Then you choose to describe the text (if you highlight multiple words that are not adjacent, hold down the Ctrl key, highlight the text, then release Ctrl). ... .On the taskbar and select "Text Framework" from the menu Word Art Styles "bubble. ... .You choose the color you want your outline. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep4"> plan 4 <p> yours. ... .Thin or thicken the outline. ... .Select the "Text Framework" from the menu. ... .Select "Size" and select the strength of your plan. ... .Create a dotted or decorative choice "lines" in the "Text Framework" menu. .. </ P> <h4 class="Heading4a"> Plan text in Word and Outlook 2007 <li id="jsArticleStep1"> <p> 1 .Highlight the text you want to describe. (If you have several words that are not adjacent to highlight, the Ctrl key to select the text to others, and release the Ctrl ").</ p> <li id .= do. "jsArticleStep2.> 2 <p> Select" Start "tab at the top of the page. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep3"> <p> 3 Select the "Font" drop-down menu. .. </ P> <li to describe .id = 4 "jsArticleStep4"> <p> check "preview" on the text you have selected. .. </ P> <li id="jsArticleStep5"> <p> 5 Select "OK" to describe the text .. ... .You may need to be able to clearly see the font size to increase its bulk. ... .The color of the contour, highlight the word. ... .Select the "Font" menu and select a color from the "Font Color" menu. .. </ P> ...

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